gestalt coaching & training with
John Leary-joyce
John is a master at deconstructing the complex art and practice of Gestalt Coaching & Supervision to make it accessible to those experienced coaches who are new to Gestalt and want to deepen and extend their practice. He established Gestalt.UK in 2020 to share his knowledge and skills to coaches wanting to specialise in Gestalt Coaching.
He has been practicing Gestalt for 45 years culminating in writing a definitive book ‘Fertile Void, Gestalt Coaching at Work’. Initially a Gestalt therapist, trainer and supervisor, he became CEO of the Gestalt Centre London. By integrating his clinical and business experience he later established an innovative Gestalt training service for consultants, HR & OD practitioners.
Founder in 1999 and CEO of the Academy of Executive Coaching, he created an organisation dedicated to training coaches to develop their unique style and model. He holds a Masters in Executive Coaching is PCC with ICF and qualified Supervisor, creating his own Gestalt based supervision model.
Since 2010 he has collaborated with Prof Peter Hawkins developing & teaching Systemic Team Coaching, now delivered globally.
His zest and passion for life is expressed primarily through his work, family and dancing tango.
Good question to always ask…
With over 45 years of experiencing, studying, teaching, and practicing Gestalt, I’ve consistently looked for ways of making Gestalt Coaching simple, accessible and down to earth for you to experience and learn.
There is a whole wealth of complex theory and methodology available for those that want to explore it but it is only necessary to know the basic principles in order to practice effective Gestalt coaching skills.
If you came to me as a client whether individual or team, I’d not mention Gestalt or the underpinning approach. The focus would simply be where do you want go, what’s happening to you as you talk to me here and now and work with what emerges. This is coaching at its purist, simply following you without any agenda but ensuring you address the difficult and challenging areas that limit your life & work.
If you come as a Supervisee or student to learn Gestalt Coaching, similar principles apply. I’ll start by providing the basic theoretical principles, illustrate those through experiential exercises and the exploration of what’s happening now. The interventions will focus on how you, as the coach feel and engage in the coaching relationship.
For more information browse the Supervision and Training webpages
About the a0ec
I founded the AoEC in 1999 as an ‘integrative’ coaching school. That means the coach training programmes don’t favour one method or theory but provides a spectrum of coaching approaches so each student could find their own style. Now well established as in international academy I have set up this associated site to specialise in the Gestalt approach.
The Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching provided by AoEC has the necessary grounding to undertake the Gestalt Foundation Programme and further Advanced Gestalt workshops.
To find out more about the AOEC, click here.