Becoming Acquainted - is this the right path for you? Free Introductory Videos & Webinars
Gain greater satisfaction from your coaching while adding value by:
Using yourself more effectively
Making less effort - getting into flow
Having more fun
Coaching at a deeper level
Who am I?
Why am I doing this?
Where am I going?
What’s the point?
If these are the sort of questions you’re asking yourself (or being asked by your coachee) then you’re in the right place to discover the answers.
Gestalt is all about how we engage in life from moment to moment
So the coaching session focuses on what is going on right ‘here and now’.
Then as if by magic, ‘Change Happens’.
Not always as expected and often as a result of staying with difficult experiences,
But a new way of thinking and being always opens up.
Here’s a quick, simple and profound Gestalt style exercise that if you do it sincerely and regularly will have a big impact on your life….
Video series
Subscribe to my mailing list and receive a Free Mini Series of 5 videos which I’ve created to give you a basic understanding of the key principles of Gestalt Coaching.
They cover:
1. Positioning of Gestalt in the spectrum of coaching practice -
2. What is Gestalt and how to use it in your coaching practice?
3. Awareness in the Present – the Four Dimensions
4. Gestalt Paradox of Change
5. What next? Theory into Practice
There are a number of reflective questions to help you think of Gestalt in relation to your coaching practice.
Videos arrive every few days by email giving you time to, reflect, digest and link to your coaching practice.
I’ll also send you details of upcoming events - webinars and workshops.
You can read my privacy policy here.
Look forward to meeting you at one of the Foundation programmes