key principles of Gestalt Coaching
Free Mini Series of 5 videos
Subscribe to my mailing list and receive a Free Mini Series of 5 videos which I’ve created to give you a basic understanding of the key principles of Gestalt Coaching.
They cover:
1. Positioning of Gestalt in the spectrum of coaching practice,
2. What Gestalt is and how to use it in your coaching practice,
3. Awareness in the Present – the Four Dimensions,
4. The Gestalt Paradox of Change,
5. What next? Theory into Practice.
There are also a number of reflective questions to help you think of Gestalt in relation to your coaching practice.
Videos arrive every few days by email giving you time to reflect, digest and link the learning to your coaching practice.
I’ll also send you details of my upcoming events which include:
Foundation programmes - virtual over four-mornings,
Free webinars on Advanced Coaching,
Advanced workshops, in person and online, over four-mornings,
Supervision 1:1 and small groups on individual or team coaching,
Diploma in Gestalt Advanced Coaching,
PCC level 2 qualification and MCC training portfolio route.
I look forward to meeting you at one of my events.