Growing your Personal Presence – Individual & Group Coaching
1:1 Coaching
FEES AND DATES arranged on an individual basis
If you want to experience Gestalt style coaching and have work/life issues that are complex, ambiguous and emotional then it’s likely that I can help you.
After a free introductory 30 min session you book a series of three x 1hr individual sessions. Fees are discussed and agreed on a sliding scale to accommodate income level.
Systemic Team Coaching for your team
Fees and Time Commitment is so varied so best to contact me to arrange a virtual meeting.
The primary focus in Gestalt is on relationships in the ‘here and now’ which would make it particularly effective in coaching your team dynamics as they show up in the room - emotive issues like trust, conflict, motivation, underperformance*.
There is also a systemic perspective so Gestalt aligns well with the Hawkins Five Disciplines model of Systemic Team Coaching which would address Stakeholder relationships**
I have also designed and use an on-line diagnostic tool - Team Connect 360 which generates insightful feedback on how your team sees itself functioning and how it is perceived in their organisation.
Team Coaching like individual coaching works best over a period of about 6 - 12 months rather than one of workshops. So if your team could benefit - download the chapters here, then give me a call to discuss the situation and I’ll explain the process involved.